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Empowering Australian Citizens for a Life with AI

Our Challenge

Australia's future prosperity is dependent on building a society that is ready to evolve and adapt to AI.

AI is revolutionising our lives and workplaces. In the coming decades, it will play a critical role in contributing to Australia's economy.

Our education and training systems must prepare our citizens for a world increasingly influenced by the rapidly developing capabilities of AI.

Study Buddy or Influencer

The new report, which was handed down by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training in August has advised Educators to lean into genAI technology amongst a raft of recommendations.

Recommendation 25:
The Committee recommends that the Australian Government establish a Centre for Digital Educational Excellence, modelled on the existing Cooperative Research Centres, which would act as a thought-leader in relation to both the use and development of GenAI in school and university settings.


Our Mission

Make the best use of AI in all parts of the education system to improve the efficacy of the system for students, teachers, administrators, parents and carers, governments and other funding organisations.

Generate AI-relevant curricula and training materials that are pedagogically sound, advancing learning design, learners' experiences and learners' outcomes.

Prepare students for workplaces and society more broadly in which AI technologies are ubiquitous and influential at all levels of lived experience.

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Secure, Trusted & Responsible

Bringing together education providers, technology companies, researchers and governments to conduct applied research to develop secure, trusted and responsible AI-enabled education and training products and services.

Readily available to all, taking account of cultural and linguistic diversity and Australia's place in the world as a successful multicultural democracy.


Some of our partners

Be at the forefront of the development and adoption of AI in the education and training sector

Interested to find out more?

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